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The Being You classes are a living exploration and lab of discovery into what becomes possible as we step into more of ourselves.
Originally, Dr. Dain Heer was the only one facilitating these classes all around the world. Then he realized how much farther and wider it could all go if he had a band of merry, irreverent, and wacky facilitators willing to facilitate them, too.
Now, we have thousands of Access Consciousness Certified Facilitators worldwide who are personally trained by Dr. Dain to offer these classes. These facilitators won’t give you answers or tell you how, who, or what you should be. Rather, they are the joyous invitation and the guides to discovering more of you!
Facilitators: {{totalCountFormatted}}
Name | Country | City/State | Certification | Profile | Class | |
{{facilitator.Country}} | {{facilitator.StateName ? facilitator.StateName : facilitator.City}} | {{ !certification.Abbreviation ? certification.Name : certification.Abbreviation}}, | {{facilitator.ScheduledClassCount}} |
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